Made by Luke & Danny from Illini Blockchain 🎓

Who Is This For? 🤔

Crypto-curious newcomers!

At Illini Blockchain, we want to demystify crypto for normal people.

If a 10 is an expert on web3/crypto/blockchain, this starter pack is for people from 0 to 5ish.

This starter pack will guide you from knowing nothing to having a fundamental understanding why web3/crypto/blockchain matters, where it is right now, & where it is headed.

You can share this starter pack with this link:

How Do You Use This Doc? 🗺️

This starter pack is split into 8 pages. The pages go in chronological order. You don’t need to go in order, but it is most intuitive that way.

As you learn, remember that:

  1. At the top of each page, you can toggle to between pages & see the main ideas you will learn on that page. At the bottom of each page, there is a recap & toggle.
  2. We intertwine a lot of outside resources. These resources are NOT supplementary. They are usually the most valuable part of the page. If you don’t read/watch it, you won’t learn nearly as much. If it isn’t under “Further Resources,” read it!
  3. To truly learn something, it is best to explain it in your own words. As you go through, use the “Explain It Yourself" page & challenge yourself to answer its questions in your own words. Read to collect the dots, write to connect them.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, DM us (**Luke & Danny**) on Twitter.

Welcome to the rabbit hole,

**Luke & Danny**